Impacting Women’s Lives through Breast Wellness

Make a difference in women’s lives through our pay-it-forward initiative. Be an Earth Angel and support women in need of a breast ultrasound.

About Us

The Earth Angel Initiative is instrumental in positively influencing women’s lives through Breast Wellness. We operate as a pay-it-forward initiative, empowering every individual to become an Earth Angel for women who can benefit from a breast ultrasound. In collaboration with OC BREAST WELLNESS and WOMEN’S WELLNESS THAT WORKS, Earth Angel Initiative is dedicated to delivering safe, effective, and pain-free breast ultrasounds.

Our focus extends to single mothers, women with a single household income, as well as those currently in remission or recently diagnosed with breast cancer. By broadening our scope, we aim to provide crucial support and care to an even more diverse group of women.

Joining hands with Earth Angel Initiative means being part of a community committed to comprehensive women’s wellness. Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of women facing various aspects of breast health, ensuring they receive the care and attention they deserve.

Your support echoes in the lives we touch, resonating with the spirit of care and solidarity. Become an Earth Angel today, and let’s create a future where every woman, regardless of her circumstance, has access to the essential breast wellness resources she needs.

Be an Earth Angel Now

3 Earth Angel Initiatives

Provide Breast Cancer Awareness

  • Spread awareness about breast cancer.
  • Educate on prevention and early detection. 

Provide Breast Cancer Education

  • Comprehensive programs for breast health.
  • Empower women with self-examination 

Provide Breast Cancer Prevention

  • Advocate for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Encourage regular check-ups for early detection.

Our Mission

In constant pursuit of the best for WOMEN’S WELLNESS. Your dedicated support, conscious informed wellness, and inspired action can save women’s lives.

Breast Cancer Stats:

Explore eye-opening Breast Cancer Facts to understand the significance of prevention.  Source:

How You Can Help

Be a Recipient

Fill out this form to receive a breast ultrasound

Sponsor or Gift

Fill out this form to sponsor or gift a breast ultrasound

Schedule your personalized breast ultrasound! 

Contact OC Breast Wellness at 714-363-5595

Be sure to mention “Women’s Wellness That Works” when booking to unlock an exclusive discount. 

Your proactive step towards HEALTH and WELLNESS begins with this call – REACH OUT TODAY to prioritize your well-being.

Join the Earth Angel Initiative

Your support is appreciated. Together, let’s impact lives and promote women’s wellness.

Our Gift To You

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